Dan and Nina go on Australian Holiday

From May 6 to May 20, 2006, we went to Australia. It was a great trip, packed with activities. We learned a lot and took a lot of pictures.

Other titles considered for these notes were: White Man Walkabout, and Through the Looking Glass. We didn't check the direction that water went down the drain, but we are certain that they drive on the left side of the road in Australia (confirmed by experimental evidence) and the sun is in the northern part of the sky; this last fact was most disorienting for me, especially when I was trying to drive on the left side of the road.

Note that some of the photo links are actually video clips which are pretty large (5 - 15 MB). I would recommend avoiding these if you are on a dial-up connection. For a CD containing all the content, send me an email.

Dan's Editorial Comments
In the bush and in Cairns
Hartley's Crocodile Farm
Diving: The main event
At the Zoo and Aquarium in Sydney